Alex Haddow - Comedian
Upcoming Shows
Alexandra Haddow: Third Party (Tour Warm Up)
9:45pm on Thursday 30th January 2025 - The Bill Murray, LondonBiography
Alex has become one of our most popular MCs, brilliant at crowd work and making the whole audience feel immediately at home and like one of her best friends. She always has us in the palm of her hand. But her material is so on point you’d be a bloody fool to ignore her straight stand-up. She expertly walks the fine line between cheeky and outright smut, with great stories that bring you in before catching you with the sting in the tail. She’s just got genuinely funny bones – able to craft a laugh out of every situation.
When she’s not hosting or playing shows, Alex is also one of the hosts of The School for Dumb Women, which answers essential questions like, “Should I be Norwegian?” or “Are Beavers cancelled?”, and most importantly, “What is Gwyneth Paltrow?”
She’s also a freelance Journalist, and wrote a cracking article about why comedy needed saving during the pandemic, which was kind enough to explain just how important the Bill Murray is, and you can read it on her Instagram. I only found out about it whilst writing this page, purely because I’m strictly impartial and show no favouritism, and not because I’m grossly incompetent.
In short, Alex is a fantastic comic who’s bound to become a major force on the comedy scene. Make sure you take every chance to see her as much as you can now, because it won’t belong before she’s catapulted to the stratosphere.