Stewart Lee - Comedian

Obviously it’s a real privilege to have the 41st best stand-up ever! perform at our venue, and whilst he has described his own performance as, “positively Neanderthal, suggesting a jungle-dwelling pygmy, struggling to coax notes out of a clarinet that has fallen from a passing aircraft,” we think he’s one of the best out there. Not that he’s for everyone, of course.
Personally, Fist of Fun and Attention Scum were pretty formative when I was growing up, so it’s quite a smile to turn up and find him strumming away on his guitar in the green room. Despite his sometimes cantankerous persona on stage, he’s a really lovely man and a pleasure to talk to, with a wide range of interests. He shot part of his documentary about Robert Lloyd & The Nightingales in the club and on our roof, and he’s had fascinating chats with Alan Moore. Somewhat surprisingly, back when comedy was ‘the new rock’n’roll’, he was allowed to present Top of the Pops multiple times despite openly being in contempt of it. When we were busy building the Bill Murray he turned up because he thought we were still the Mucky Pup, and had heard it had a really good jukebox (can confirm, it slapped, but the old landlord took it with him)
But clearly it’s the comedy that counts. Stewart has made some of the funniest shows out there, and often turns his keen eye on what comedy is and what it means. If you’ve not seen his stuff you’re in for a wild ride, and if you did happen to see his stuff using means many of us resorted to in the Noughties, you can stop sending his agent tenners and can donate to an animal sanctuary instead.
We’re lucky enough that part of the run he was doing for us for (the now updated given slightly important circumstances) Snowflake/Tornado has been rescheduled for November & December. As not everyone can make the new dates there are a handful of returns for most nights. Keep your eyes peeled – fastest fingers first!