Comedy at The Bill Murray – Early May Bank Holiday 2019

Hello Angels!
The first bank holiday weekend of May is coming up, and what better way to spend it than by stopping by The Bill Murray for some quality comedy.
Saturday kicks off with the FREE ANGEL COMEDY WRITING GYM at 12pm, followed by a live podcast recording from THE LITTLE DUM DUM CLUB and, of course, our free award-winning Angel Comedy shows running through the night.
On Sunday, we are holding the first session of INTRO TO CLOWNING: RELEASE YOUR INNER IDIOT with Jonathan Gunning, co-founder of Clowns Without Borders Ireland.
In the afternoon, the Little Dum Dum Club takes over The Bill Murray with not ONE but TWO live podcast recording.
In the evening, our resident improv troupe SHOOT FROM THE HIP will take back what is ours.
Finally, because there´s never enough Australians, NICK CAPPER will be LOOSE IN LONDON starting 9:30PM
On Monday, we’ve got a jam packed bank holiday programme, starting at 2:30pm with ZACH ZIMMERMAN follwed at 4pm by TOMMY DASSALO
Then at 5.30pm we’ve got stand-up from Mock the Week and Live at the Apollo star ED GAMBLE
At 6.45pm we’ve got a work-in-progress show from Massive Dad star and co-host of the Nobody Panic podcast STEVIE MARTIN
And we round things off with SPARK TRUE STORYTELLING at 8pm, where performers and audience members alike get the opportunity to share stories on a chosen theme.
And if that doesn’t tickle your May Day fancy, then we don’t know what will!