Rob Auton - Eyes Open & Shut Show work in progress at The Bill Murray - Angel Comedy Club

Rob Auton - Eyes Open & Shut Show work in progress

Thursday 20th June 2024, 6:30pm to 7:30pm - The Bill Murray

Rob Auton: ‘The Eyes Open and Shut Show’

This is a show about eyes when they are open and eyes when they are shut. With this show I wanted to explore what I could do to myself and others with language when eyes are open and when they are shut. After writing ten shows on specific themes including the colour yellow in ‘The Yellow Show’, the sky in ‘The Sky Show’ and myself in ‘The Rob Auton Show’ I wanted to think about what makes me open my eyes and what makes me shut my eyes. The show will involve the audience shutting their eyes and opening their eyes at specific points.

A genuine original.


The Mother Freaking Greatest

James Acaster

Very hilarious

David Shrigley

A genius

Bridget Christie

Makes laughter out of wonder. We need him.


6:00 PM - Doors open
- Rob Auton

Presented by Angel Comedy.

This is an 18+ event


Unreserved seating - £7.65 + 85p booking fee
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